Sound of Markets: Now you can hear the stock market too

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Can you imagine the stock figures as musical tones? This is exactly the idea of ​​the „Sound of markets“ application, the idea and the final work of the Macedonian developers Igor Jovcevski, Aleksandar Trpeski and Nikola Minoski. „Sound of Markets“ is the first, and so far, the only application that allows you to listen to the stock market data, rather than viewing them. The team developed the application in Macedonia, and is patented in the Patent Office UK. For now, it is free on three stock exchanges, and with a paid subscription for a number of stock exchanges.

This unusual way to get data from the stock market for „Inovativnost“ was presented by one of the team members, Igor Jovcevski

The sound of markets application is an unusual way of getting data from stock exchanges, what was the reason to think in this direction?

I was thinking about it for almost 10 years, roughly since the financial crisis began in 2008. At the time, I was trying to learn and become forex trader myself, which obviously wasn’t successful. But I did learn many things about how market operates and how trading works in general. What was very intriguing to me , is the price analysis , which almost always included chart analysis and multiple technical indicators based on chart movements. Most of these were “lagging” and rarely worked on real-time data. My take on this is that it’s the feeling that matters most and successful traders have something of an insight that goes further than this basic data. Thinking about it, and how pricing must have temporal structure as well, sort of a rhythm so to speak,  the idea of making music out of it was born and I carried it for a long time. It wasn’t until I prequalified as software developer and few years down the line, I finally designed a prototype , together with one of our finest developer in the country, Aleksandar(Kex) and Nikola. What we definitely need now, are people able to push this through and close few deals. So anyone reading this, and feeling like able to sell it, Please Do get in touch.

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Have you met someone who has developed a similar application so far?

Several ideas on this matter were tried in the past, mostly monitoring one financial instrument and generally producing sound with generators, not really audible and pleasant to listen to. As far as we know no other company has tried to employ harmonic / MIDI interfaces when generating audible signals out of markets data.

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How the tool works, where and who can use it?

The app could be used by anyone dealing with financial data analysis, including hedge fund managers, traders  as well as quant analysts.

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What would be the benefits for brokers?

Using the app gives traders a very unique insight into price movements not generally seen on graphs.

Is there any interest so far, is it used?

We have several paying clients and around 500 free tier users. This being a new tool on the market will require us to secure an initial contract with some major player in order to get more coverage and more paying clients as well.

Do you have feedback from users and how is it?

The existing users love the way it works, one thing we all agree that needs to be improved is the signification od multiple streams being more correlated and even more harmonic.

Is there a need to develop, do you have a cooperation with investors?

Yes, we are definitely open for investment, so if anyone wants to become a partner and believes in what we’re doing, by all means do get in touch.

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